Commerical Property Lawyers
Porta Lawyers provide a wide range of legal services in respect of property matters. Whether it is commercial or residential property, we have a wealth of knowledge and are available to discuss your venture with you.
There are many aspects to consider when purchasing Commercial Property and we strongly suggest that you seek proper advice from qualified legal professionals. Porta Lawyers would be pleased to assist you with your new or existing venture.
We can also assist with matters relating to Town Planning, Joint Ventures and Insurance Law.

Commercial Property Legal Services
Sale & Purchase of Commerical Property
From stand-alone shops to large shopping centres, Porta Lawyers can guide you through the process of buying or selling Commercial Property.
We suggest that you contact us prior to entering into a Contract. We will ensure that the correct entities are noted on the Contract, that Lease details are completed and if necessary, we will provide you with relevant Special Conditions relating to your specific situation for inclusion in the Contract.
Please feel free to call our office on Tel: (07) 3265 3888 should you require any assistance in respect of buying or selling commercial property.
Commercial Leasing
Porta Lawyers acts for both Landlords and Tenants of Commercial property from stand-alone premises to multi-storey buildings. We will ensure that your interests are protected and that we achieve the best outcome for you.
It is best that you seek our legal advice prior to signing an Agreement to Lease so that we may guide you through the process.
Please do not hesitate to contact our office should you require any assistance with respect to Commercial Leasing.
Retail Shop Leasing
We have extensive experience in providing advice to both Landlords and Tenants of single shops to large shopping centres. Legislation relating to retail shops adds an extra layer of complexity and requires careful consideration.
Please contact us today on (07) 3265 3888 should you require any further assistance.
Childcare Centre Specialists
Porta Lawyers has long been a preferred supplier of Childcare Queensland. We have extensive experience in buying and selling Childcare Centres. We are able to attend to the sale and purchase of childcare businesses and the sale and purchase of land on which the Centre is located.
Childcare Management is a further area of expertise of Porta Lawyers.
Please do not hesitate to contact our office should you require any assistance in respect of a Childcare Centre.
Joint Ventures
These are very different to partnerships and while initially attractive, require complex negotiation and drafting.
Please contact us today on (07) 3265 3888 should you require any further assistance.
Landlord / Tenant Disputes
A Landlord and Tenant relationship can sometimes be difficult to navigate. Porta Lawyers acts for both Landlords and Tenants and can assist you if an issue arises.
Should you feel that a party is in breach of their duty under a Lease or Tenancy Agreement, please contact us for advice. In some situations negotiations may be the best way forward to ensure an amenable continued business relationship.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information if we can assist you in this regard.